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Sales Boosting Facebook Strategies for Jewelry Artisans
Getting Started
A Little About Me (2:40)
How to use Udemy (3:08)
Fb 101 (8:14)
Kick A__ Content!
Before You Post! (1:10)
What not to post (3:11)
Let's engage! A great place to start. (4:06)
Your own juicy content (7:15)
Your work, your story, your key! (10:37)
Quick Tips: Great Graphics (1:54)
The Big Question: How often should I post? (11:15)
If You Don't Know This One Thing... (2:25)
Your Mailing List (0:55)
Your Absolutely Irresistible Opt-In (4:26)
Simple Ways to Deliver Your Opt-In with Mailchimp
Creating a Final Welcome Email in Mailchimp to Deliver Simple Content (2:55)
Creating an Automated Workflow in Mailchimp to Deliver Content (5:43)
Tackling Facebook Ads
But I have tried them! (1:44)
Building an Audience (12:31)
Use Ads to Skyrocket Your List! (10:49)
Testing and Tweaking for Optimal Ads (8:07)
How to Create a Custom Audience for Even Deeper Engagement (9:03)
Phew! Let's Review! (2:02)
Scheduling for Success (4:03)
Closing (1:17)
Scheduling for Success
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